Once we knew that we were sea-worthy and stocked up, the Captain and I were ready - I mean
ready - to get under sail and truly,
finally become "cruisers". And, as we neared our second wedding anniversary, I was becoming nearly panicked that we would still be hooked on to a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor, so we really wanted to kick it into gear. I mean,
seriously? How could we possibly follow last year's Pirate Ship Cruise in New Zealand for our first anniversary with sitting on a mooring ball which we had been on for almost three months?!?! (please go back and reread this part in the
most sarcastic, princessy voice possible)
She now knows staying on deck helps with the sea-sickness! |
On March 19, the day before our anniversary, Rob and Captain Jim (see
last post) finished tuning the rigging in the morning, all ship "stuffs" were stowed and ready for rocking, and the cats had been told to prepare themselves - a phrase that went over their heads until the motor was started... Once the motor
was started, the yelling at us began. Thankfully, though, this is now short-lived as they are learning where they need to be when we are under way to remain comfortable.