October 24, 2012

WORDS: Coming to a blog near you!

I think the Captain wants to divorce me now that he realizes that I don't always follow through with what I start...  However, that would require him following through with paperwork and other such detail-oriented nuisances, so I am - thankfully - safely married!  He does, though, keep asking when I am going to post another blog post for all my Dear Readers out there who have no clue what all we've been through the last few months.

So, here I am, updating the blog by promising to update the blog soon!  How's that for an update?!  Pretty lame, I know.

Short-short(!) version:  We ran into frustrating problems throughout our months in the Caribbean that included broken boat parts, running out of money, and storms that kept us in places much longer than we wanted to be there.  We did get to see the Turks & Caicos Islands and spent about a month and half in the Dominican Republic.  We sailed for 11 days to get back to Florida, had more boat part issues, and enjoyed seeing old friends.  We hit our first sandbar, made our first "Mayday" call to the Coast Guard, and hard our first warm shower in two months once we made it to the northern part of Florida.  Now, we are in south Alabama with Rob working on a 110-foot boat and me trying to find a career in Mobile.

I promise to make this much prettier, much more detailed, and an overall better read in the upcoming weeks, Dear Reader!  Also, because my mom kicks so much butt and gave me an AWESOME camera for my birthday, look forward to some beautiful photos from the DR!  They ARE coming... they are!

From Indian Pass, Florida - an unexpected stop.
I do apologize to you all.  No excuses.  Well, except for the excuse that most of you know me and know that I'll get around to it...  Eventually...

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